Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Minnie Moose F2

This is the F2 of Pink From Syracuse. Due to the passing of a family member, I have renamed it in honor of her family nickname, Minnie Moose. She was an avid gardening her entire life and loved home grown tomatoes. While bedridden, she was able to start one last crop of tomatoes in peat pods. This fruit came off of one of the plants she started.

There will be some work in the next four years stabilizing this line. In the process, I suspect I will find other tomatoes/lines also worth stabilizing. Out of eight plants, this was the only one to produce beefsteaks with the other seven plants producing saladette and roma-type tomatoes.

Taste was mostly balanced but slightly acidic which makes it pair well with cream cheese on a bagel.

This particular fruit was from a megabloom, hence the catfacing. Still sliced nicely though.